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12/18/2024 | 🎉伸保木業 x 本序空間製作所 合作案例目錄上線啦~🎉快到下載申請會員觀看。 | More.. |
12/18/2024 | ✨伸保木業 X 龍井國中✨ 伸保公益捐贈活動,歡迎進入網頁觀看更多~ | More.. |
10/17/2024 | 伸保SK材質包✨新色白木紋✨已上線,可至「下載專區」下載完整材質包! | |
10/15/2024 | 2024新色~白木紋系列-167 雪松、181 白榆木、958 白蠟木,正式上市囉~。 | |
07/16/2024 | ✨重要通知✨908灰姑娘-8MM板即日起停售,若要下單,將僅提供18MM板,感謝各位客戶對伸保的支持與愛護 ! | |
06/28/2024 | ✨重要通知✨ 249白梧桐即日起停售,如有造成不便敬請見諒,感謝各位客戶對伸保的支持與愛護! |
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Raysonic 蘇州店木瀆店
Space can be an arena to incorporate a man’s attitude and spirits with his lifestyle. Between the men and the arena, SHENBAO provides a connection of harmony and balance. Not only building up the space with “ rationality”, SHENBAO also cares about presenting the entire atmosphere in delicate details with “sensibility”.
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